Category Archives: Cheat sheets

My kubectl CheatSheet

List pods in current namespace

kubectl get pods

List pods i all namespaces

kubectl get pods -A

View details about a pod

kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

List ConfigMaps

kubectl get configmaps

View details about a ConfigMap

kubectl describe configmap <config-map-name>

Create a ConfigMap the holds a file

kubectl create configmap <config-map-name> --from-file=<file-name>

List Deployments

kubectl get deployments

View details about a Deployment

kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name>

List Services

kubectl get services

View details about a Service

kubectl describe service <service-name>

List ServiceAccounts

kubectl get serviceaccounts

View details about a ServiceAccount

kubectl describe serviceaccount <service-account-name>

List all secrets

kubectl get secrets

View details about a secret

kubectl describe secret <secret-name>

Get secret contents as JSON

kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o jsonpath='{.data}'

Create a secret with passwords

kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password='<password>'

Create a secret with files

kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-file=truststore.jks --from-file=keystore.p12

Edit a secret

kubectl edit secrets <secret-name>

Delete a secret

kubectl delete secret <secret-name>

Setup “tail” on a pod. Here we want to see the last 500 lines of the log and setup a “tail” for new logs to the console

kubectl -n <namespace> logs -f --tail=500 --timestamps <exact-pod-name>

Get all objects of kind IntegrationPlattform

kubectl get IntegrationPlatform

View settings of the IntegrationPlattform

kubectl describe IntegrationPlatform <integration-plattform-name>

Apt Cheat Sheet

Update the local package library

apt-get update

Upgrade all packages

apt-get upgrade

Upgrade ONE package

apt-get install --only-upgrade git

Install a package

apt-get install <package name>

Install a specific version

apt install <package name>=<version> # ex. apt install git=1.25.1

Remove a package

apt-get remove <package name>

Remove unused dependencies

apt-get autoremove

Search for a package

apt-cache search <package name>

Show package info

apt show <package name>

Lista all versions for a package

apt list --all-versions <package name>

My Docker Cheat Sheet


Run a new container

docker run <container id or name>

Start a stopped container

docker start <container id or name>

Stop a container

docker stop <container id or name>

Kill a container

docker kill <container id or name>

Restart a container

docker restart <container id or name>

List all running containers

docker ps

List all containers

docker ps -a

List with formatted output (here only show name and status of containers)

docker ps --format '{{.Names}} {{.Status}}'

Inspect a container

docker inspect <container id or name>

List all ports a container uses

docker container port <container id or name>

Open Bash in container (‘exit’ to close)

docker exec -it <container id or name> bash

Watch STDOUT from container (‘-f’ for continued logging)

docker logs <container id or name>

Search containers in registry (example: “MySQL” gives all available MYSQL-containers)

docker search <search word>

Pull container from registry

docker pull <name>


List images

docker images

Delete an image

docker rmi <Image ID>

or (force)

docker rmi -f <Image ID>