Spring Boot: Create a “RunAllTests” test class with JUnit 5

I like having an easy way to run all tests in a specific package path. I will here show an example of how to create a “RunAllTests” class to use in Spring Boot 2 and JUnit 5 (Jupiter):

package com.niklasottosson.myapp;

import org.junit.platform.runner.JUnitPlatform;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectPackages;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

 * Test class to run all unit tests.
public class RunAllTests {

This will tell JUnit to search the files in the package described (and below) in the @SelectPackages annotation for tests to run

For Spring Boot 2.3.8 the normal “spring-boot-starter-test” dependency was not enough to get the JUnitPlatform into my app (for the @RunWith annotation), so I had to add the following dependency to my pom.xml:


After all is in place I can run the RunAllUnitTests class and all selected tests runs

Tested on Spring Boot v2.3.8, IntelliJ v2020.3 and JUnit v5 with JUnitPlattform v1.2.0

Git: “You can only push your own commits in this repository” – when there actually is a problem

I ran into this recently by creating a new Bitbucket repository when having a spelling error in my mail address in settings. I got this error:

remote: You can only push your own commits in this repository
remote: Commit 85eb7acbf42a14b9 was committed by Niklas Ottosson (username) <niklas@worldwideweeb.com>

In the commit 85eb7acbf42a14b9 (initial commit of the new repository) my mail was niklas@worldwideweeb.com when it should have been niklas@worldwideweb.com (only one ‘e’ in ‘web’)

To fix this we need to make sure we have the correct mail address in global settings:

git config --global user.email niklas@worldwideweb.com

and then reset the author of the initial commit

git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit

This will now replace the previous author with me, and since I now have the correct spelling the commit will be “fixed”

Tested with Git 2.24.3

Gradle: Integration/GUI test setup example with Spring and Protractor

Setting upp integration tests that depends on background process can be a challenge in Gradle. Here is one solution that I have used:


apply plugin: 'java'

* Handle of the background process (script scope)
Process backendProcess

* Task to start the Spring server
task beforeE2eTests {
  ProcessBuilder builder
  builder = new ProcessBuilder('./gradlew bootRun'.split(' '))

  doLast {
    println "Starting backend"
    backendProcess = builder.start()

    InputStream sto = backendProcess.getInputStream()
    BufferedReader redr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sto))

    * To prevent Gradle to go to next task before the server has started 
    * we add a loop that finds a specific log line. When that 
    * line appears we are good to go to next task
    def line
    while ((line = redr.readLine()) != null) {
      println line
      if (line.contains("Started WebApplication")) {
        println "Backend is ready"

  finalizedBy 'afterE2eTests'

* Task to stop the Spring server
task afterE2eTests {
  doLast {
    println "Stopping backend"

  mustRunAfter 'testAngularE2e'

* Task to start E2E tests
task testAngularE2e(type: Exec) {
  mustRunAfter 'beforeE2eTests'

  * Run the Protractor tests
  commandLine 'node_modules/.bin/protractor', 'e2e/protractor.conf.js'

* Main testing task
testAll {
  dependsOn beforeE2eTests, testAngularE2e

Tested on OSX 10.15.0 and Gradle 4.10.2