Here is how I set up a Camel-K installation in VMware Tansu with a Harbor registry.
- Log into Harbor
- Got to your project
- Create a Robot Account with both push and pull permissions (you might need Admin permissions in the project for this)
- Copy the JWT at the end of the creation process
- Log into VMware Tansu CLI
- Create a secret with that JWT token
kubectl create secret docker-registry camel-k-stage --docker-server=<Harbor adress> --docker-username="robot\$camel-k-stage" --docker-password='<JWT token>'
- Install Camel-K Operator
kamel install --registry <Harbor adress> --organization <Harbor project name> --registry-secret camel-k-stage
- Your Camel-K operator is now ready for use
Tested on Harbor v2.0 and VMware Tansu Kubernetes v1.22
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