I usually come in contact with many systems and servers that all have many different ports. Some I remember and some I don’t, so I put them here for easy access 🙂
- DBs:
- MySQL: 3306
- PostgreSQL: 5432
- MariaDB: 3306
- Mimer SQL: 1360
- OracleDB: 1521
- IBM DB2: 50000
- Pervasive SQL: 3351 (transactional)/1583 (relational)
- SQL Server: 1433
- Java Frameworks
- Spring framework: 8080
- Play! framework: 9000
- Javascript Frameworks:
- NextJS: 3000
- Angular: 4200
- Vue: 8080
- Mule
- HTTP Listener Configuration: 8081
- WebMethods
- IS: 5555
- Diagnostics: 9999
- MWS: 8080
- ActiveMQ
- AMQP: 5672
- OpenWire: 61616
- MQTT: 1883/8883(SSL)
- STOMP: 61613
- Web interface: 8161
- WebSocket: 61614
- Queue Manager: 1414
- AMQP: 5672
- MQTT: 1883
- Server:
- HTTP: 80
- HTTPS: 443
- SSH: 22
- FTP: 21
- SMTP: 25 (legacy)/587
- SMTPS: 465
- Misc web applications
- Webmin: 10000
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