I’m always forgetting what parameters to use and in what order I should use them. Here is some examples to help me find what I’m looking for.
scp options from to
Copy one file from a computer to another with standard settings. The file will end up in my home directory on computerB:
scp filename user@computerB.com:.
Copy one file from computerA to computerB with port 222. The file will end up in /tmp on the computerB
scp -P 222 filename user@computerB.com:/tmp
Copy a folder from computerA to computerB. The folder and all its content will end up in my home directory in a folder called Backup
scp -r foldername user@computerB.com:Backup/
Copy one file from computerB to computerA. The file is in my home directory on computerB. The file will end up in my current directory on computerA
scp user@computerB.com:filename .
Copy a folder from computerB to computerA. The folder is found here /tmp/Backup on computerB and will end up in my home directory in a folder called tmp.
scp -r user@computerB.com:/tmp/Backup /home/user/tmp/
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