My Play Framework Systemd script

Ubuntu deprecated Upstart so I had to turn to Systemd for my app controls in Ubuntu 18.04. In this script I set 2 environment variables (HOME and LANG), change directory to the app directory and starts the Play Framework application

# Myapp systemd script
# Location:/lib/systemd/system/myapp.service
# Useful commands:
# Start Myapp: 		systemctl start myapp.service
# Stop Myapp:		systemctl stop myapp.service
# Restart Myapp:	systemctl restart myapp.service
# Show status:		systemctl status myapp.service
# Enable start on boot:	systemctl enable myapp.service
# Disable start on boot:systemctl disable myapp.service
# List all services running: systemctl
# Check config: systemd-analyze verify myapp.service

Description=Job that runs my app daemon

ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'cd /opt/myapp/app'
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'bin/myapp -J-Xms256M -J-Xmx768m -J-server -Dhttp.port=80 -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf -Dlogger.file=conf/application-logger.xml'


The arguments for the Play service are what I normally use for AWS. You might need other settings

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and Play Framework 2.3

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