Spring Boot: Map JSON body with root node in @RequestBody

Say you have the following JSON:

  "rootNode": {

The class to use for this could look something like this:

public class MyValues {
  private String firstValue;
  private String secondValue;

This class will however not map directly to the JSON above via @RequestBody, and this is because the JSON contains a root node (“rootNode”)

The solution here is to wrap the MyValues class into a “root class” like this:

public class MyValuesWrapper {
  MyValues rootNode;

After this you should be able to parse the request body automatically with @ResponseBody like this:

 @PostMapping(value = "/myValues")
  public int postValues(@RequestBody MyValuesWrapper wrappedRequest) {
  // Optional: Unwrap for easier access
  MyValues request = wrappedRequest.getMyValues();

Hope this helps somebody (or me in the future 🙂 )

Tested on Spring Boot v2.3.8 and Java 11

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