In my line of work this is quite common task. I’ll place it here to be able to point new colleagues to it when I get tired of explaining 🙂
I’m here going to use the runmqsc and ikeycmd, both shipped with MQ from 8 and up, and the keytool program that can be found in most java distributions. MQExplorer and ikeyman could also be used if you like a GUI better
Add client to OS
useradd client43
Set a password and we are done with the OS part
Now create client channel in MQ (runmqsc MYQM01)
Two things to note here:
* MCAUSER: this is the OS user that is going to use the channel. In this case ‘client43’ that we created in the beginning
* SSLCIPH: this cipher has to match the one used in the client. NOTE! Cipher names can differ between Java and MQ. Search IBM website for translation tables between cipher names
Set connection access to the new client
setmqaut -m MYQM01 -t qmgr -p client43 -all +connect +inq
Set object access to the new client (eg. PUT and GET rights for a local queue)
setmqaut -m MYQM01 -t queue -n QL.MY.CLIENTS.NEW.QUEUE -p client43 -all +put +get ...
Add client certificate to MQ certificate store
ikeycmd -cert -add -db "/var/mqm/qmgrs/MYQM01/ssl/key.kdb" -pw changeit -label ibmwebspheremqclient43 -file ibmwebspheremqclient43.crt -format ascii
NOTE: The default naming convention for client certificates is: ibmwebspheremq + user name. In this example it turns out to: ibmwebspheremqclient43
NOTE 2: If you are using a self-signed certificate you only need to add that certificate to the MQ certificate store BUT if you are using a CA signed client certificate ALL certificates need to be put into the MQ certificate store in order from root to client certificate. The whole certificate chain needs to be present for the client certificate to be resolved correctly by MQ
Add server certificate to the client.jks
keytool -import -alias ibmwebspheremqmyqm01 -file ibmwebspheremqmyqm01.crt -keystore client.jks
NOTE: You can use whatever label you want here. I use the default MQ naming pattern for anything relating to IBM MQ
Troubleshooting tips
# Test auth records towards client user DISPLAY CHLAUTH(CLIENT43) MATCH(RUNCHECK) ALL ADDRESS('') CLNTUSER('client43') # Check clients authentication records on the queue manager dmpmqaut -m MYQM01 -p client43 # View certificate labels in jks keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass changeit # View certificate labels in kdb ikeycmd -cert -list ca -db key.kdb -pw changeit
Tested on MQ, Java 1.8.0_121 and Red Hat Linux 7.5
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