Author Archives: Niklas - Page 18

Debug SSL in Java

Certificates can be tricky to debug because they do not always give you a helpful error messages. To be able to turn the JVM debug mode on can be a great help. I will here show two methods to enable debug mode for SSL:

As an VM option

java myprogram

Or as a system property (in your code):

System.setProperty("", "ssl:handshake");

Hope it will help you track down that nasty SSL bug 🙂

Tested on OSX 10.15.6, Java 1.8.0_252

SSLHandshakeException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

You are trying to connect to a server over SSL and you get the following error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This means that your computer does not trust the remote computer. The remote computer serves a certificate that your computer is unable to find a trusted source for. Could be that the remote certificate is selfsigned or uses a CA that you computer does not know

One solution: Add the remote computers certificate into your truststore:
1. Get the remote computer certificate using OpenSSL:

openssl s_client -connect <remote computer adress> <remote computer port>

This will present the remote computers certificate (BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END CERTIFICATE). Copy this to a file (Preserve BEGIN and END rows)
2. Add the remote certificate to your java truststore

sudo keytool -import -alias remote_computer_cert -file <remote computer cert> -keystore /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/cacerts

3. Done – connect again – the error should be gone

Tested on OSX v10.15.6, OpenSSL 2.8.3 (LibreSSL) and Java 1.8.0_252 (OpenJDK)

OpenShift: add project route in web console using yaml example

As soon as I started using YAML for OpenShift configuration I didn’t turn back. It is so much simpler to handle. Project routes can be configured in the web console but you can also import YAML.

Here is an example of such a YAML:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Route
  name: myapp
    app: myapp
    name: myapp
  path: /myapp
    targetPort: 8080-tcp
    kind: Service
    name: myapp

NOTE! You need to setup a project service first so you have something to reference in the route (spec/to)

Tested on OpenShift Web Console: v3.11.153